
From Code Autocompletion to Testing Automation: How CodeGPT Can Supercharge Your Development Workflow

Qaraton | From Code Autocompletion to Testing Automation: How CodeGPT Can Supercharge Your Development Workflow

Author: Janet Van, Full-stack Developer at Reactron Technologies Ltd In a short time of presenting itself before the public, ChatGPT has taken the world by storm with its ability to generate human-like responses to natural language questions. Its accuracy and well-structured answers have impressed many users. ChatGPT is developed by OpenAI. It runs on a […]

When is a good time to transition from Serverless to Monolith architecture?


Serverless architecture has become increasingly popular in recent years and is a valuable tool for developers looking to quickly and efficiently create applications from scratch. However, as applications grow and expand, business owners and developers may decide whether to switch from serverless architecture to monolith architecture. Making this transition is not always easy, and it […]

Reactron- We build brand awareness by adding human values

We-build-brand awareness-by-adding -human -values

Brand awareness is always one of the priorities that is built by a company from the beginning of development. In general, brand awareness is the concept that customers can recall or recognize a brand under different conditions. What comes to mind when you think of Reactron? A reliable technology partner? An enthusiastic and passionate tech […]

Securing Cross-Platform Applications and Beyond


There are many factors to consider when developing a mobile app, including which platforms to support. Some developers choose to release a native app for each platform, while others opt for a cross-platform solution. Which approach is more secure? Business owners are regularly concerned with the security of cross-platform applications, yet the reality is that […]

We are all Human in Tech- An equity working culture.

Qaraton | We are all Human in Tech- An equity working culture.

“Women in tech” have become a new trend that marks society’s recognition of women in a male-dominated field. In fact, “Women in tech” is a community that supports women and promotes inclusion, diversity, and equity. Thanks to that, nowadays, we can see society and technology are built richly and multi-dimensionally. But at the end of […]

Why Migrate to AWS Cloud? Why choose Reactron?


Nowadays, the cloud adoption is rapidly gaining popularity as more SMEs migrate to this efficient and cost-effective platform. However, with so many options available, it can be challenging for companies to decide which provider to choose. This is where Reactron Technologies Ltd can help. In this blog post, Reactron discusses the topics of “Why Migrate […]

How It Looks Like To Be A Developer With A Business Mindset?

Jarvis Luong- CTO Reactron- How do it looks like to be a developer with business mindset

It’s easy to hear good things about developers. Many positive traits make a great developer, from an inquisitive attitude to problem-solving skills. But what if a developer also had an entrepreneurial mind? This combination is not only rare, but it’s also a must for software companies. Meet CTO of Reactron Technologies Ltd- Jarvis Luong, who […]

How do we work?-Agile Software Development Life Cycle

REACTRON- How do we work?- Agile SDLC

Whenever Reactron says we are a customer-centric technology provider, we really mean it. Besides other software development methods, we use Agile software development as our main process flow. This allows us to be more adaptable and responsive to change, which is essential in the ever-changing world of technology. By using Agile methods, we can deliver […]

When Teamwork Makes Our Dream Work


A lot of people are not only seeking a job but a career and a sense of belonging. This might entail career advancement opportunities, or developing a community within the company. Let us share today’s article, drawn from real values and experiences from Reactron Technologies Ltd. At Reactron, we have a truly engaged team as […]